Scott Hudson is a writer living on Wurundjeri Country. His writings can be found in Overland, Junkee, and Etherea Magazine. He was previously the editor of Verandah, and co-created Baked Goods Melbourne (now Baked). His writing and research are interested in Gender, Work and Community.

Scott Hudson

A science of pain: The Bear and the masculine domestic

Overland Journal

“The way abuse is used to maintain order within kitchen is in part tied to the masculine nature of both work and specifically manual labour. Raewyn Connell has written extensively on the intersection of work, power, and masculinities. She notes in particular that “economic and organisation structure enter into the making of masculinity.” ”

Is The Mixtape Dead? Depends Who You Ask

Junkee Magazine

“These days, mixtapes often have the same importance as an album, but don’t hold the same long-term value. Mixtapes are no longer a format free of restrictions, and artists and listeners both lose out as a result. More pressure gets put on artists to be album-ready from their first release, and listeners don’t get to experience going along on the journey of artistic growth with their favourite musician. In a world where mixtapes are often indistinguishable from albums, do they lose their value?”